Cultural Arts

Executive Director Better Family Life Cultural, Educational, and Business Center

DeBorah D. Ahmed

Deborah Ahmed - Better Family Life - Cultural Arts

“Culture and art are luxuries for most BFL clients.  When we are trying to survive and put food on the table, we don’t necessarily understand that culture and art are literally, nourishment for the soul.  BFL’s Cultural, Educational and Business Center offers programs and activities to feed our souls.” 

Cultural Arts Team

Our mission is to create programs and activities and provide information that exemplifies the cultural and artistic traditions of people in Afrika, the Caribbean, and the Americas.

Cultural Arts Events, Programs and Activities

Enroll now for Sankofa Rising



Click the orange button to view the 2024 BLACK DANCE - USA... Highlights

2024 BLACK DANCE - USA... Video Highlights Join Us In 2025, April 10th, 11th & 12th


Afrikan Fusion and Traditional West Afrikan Dance Classes

Tuesdays / 6:00pm-7:30pm / $7.00/Person

Ages 10 and older

Afrikan Fusion Dance Classes - Better Family Life

Art and Empowerment Mural Tours

The Art and Empowerment mural is the largest Black history mural in the state of Missouri. We offer guided tours to groups and individuals.  Cost: $10/person (Group rates available). A curriculum accompanies the mural.  It can supplement a guided tour or as an independent study guide. Cost: $25. Discount rates are available if ordering ten or more copies.

Empowerment Mural - Better Family Life
Click Here For The Art & Empowerment Mural Virtual Tour

Black Cinema

Screening of Black films from Afrika and the Diaspora. The schedule of showings varies.

Melenated Marketplace

Seasonal marketplace occurring May thru September featuring at least 10 locally-owned and operated businesses. Purchase items that include Afrikan and Afrikan-inspired clothing and other apparel, jewelry, hand-crafted soaps and candles, food items, literature, etc., on one Saturday during each month from 11:00 am to 5:00 pm unless otherwise posted.

Black Cinema - Better Family Life

The Black Dance Research Library

A multimedia archive that tracks the evolution of Afrikan and Afrikan-inspired dance techniques. The footage is from the classes, lectures, interviews, and performances held during BLACK DANCE-USA: A Celebration in Movement since its inception in 1985. Open to the general public, students and researchers. 

A multimedia archive that tracks the evolution of Afrikan and Afrikan-inspired dance techniques. The footage is from the classes, lectures, interviews, and performances held during BLACK DANCE-USA: A Celebration in Movement since its inception in 1985. Open to the general public, students and researchers. 

Essence of Earth Market - Better Family Life

Urban Rhythms

An arts education and prevention program model which utilizes the cultural and artistic traditions of Afrika and Afrikan-descended people worldwide. This curriculum supports and increases the concept of wellness, as well as curb school violence, prevent dropouts, and improves academic performance among school-age youth.  Urban Rhythms is divided into seven sections.  Each section is a stand-alone component, or we can do any combination of components. Urban Rhythms is geared towards elementary, middle, and high-school-age students for the in-school program and 10-14-year-olds for the summer program. Cost: $250/contract period. Contact BFL for further information!

Empowerment Mural - Better Family Life - St Louis

BLACK DANCE – USA: A Celebration in Movement

2025 will be the 39th anniversary. Participants will have the opportunity to join dancers from around the country for the region's longest running dance festival of its kind. All professional dancers, choreographers, dance enthusiasts, dance students, musicians, educational institutions, arts and cultural institutions and anyone else who loves to work that body are welcome to attend.

BLACK Dance Celebration in Movement - Better Family Life
Join Us In 2025, April 10th, 11th & 12th
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